Kellogg's Corn Flakes box circa 1967

The familiar Kellogg's Corn Flakes box for a Kenwood sunroom scene in another installment of a Beatles "virtual prop". 

Since I've received a lot of e-mail about Paul's Pepsi radio I thought I might as well post some of the more interesting objects for fun in between posting complete scenes.

Although the front is a 1967 U.K. version, I created the completed texture from a few different vintage cereal boxes so it's not entirely accurate how the actual box would have looked like.

I originally had a toy advert on the back, but I'm told by my friend Jimi (of the world-famous Jimi blog ) who lives in the fair county of Kent , that such glaring advertisements weren't the norm of the day so I replaced it with a more traditional image.  

If anyone happens to have a vintage Lennon spec Kellogg's Corn Flakes box lying around please drop me a line.

To quote the Beatles Bible;

Born of John Lennon's post-touring retreat into suburban daydreaming, Good Morning Good Morning was inspired by a Kellogg's commercial he heard while working with the television playing in the background. Read more...

Of course, a little inspiration always helps. 


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